Market Reports


Sale Report - Tuesday 1st November 2022

Forward 865 Head of Stock comprising of 70 Cattle including 2 Calves, 56 Stores, 4 Prime Cattle, 3 OTM’s, 1 Cows with 1 calf at foot, 3 Store Cows and 795 Sheep comprising of 583 Prime Lambs, 136 Ewes, 6 Tups, 66 Store Lambs, 4 Breeding Shearlings.

CALVES   Holstein Bulls to £35.

Top price bull calf from S & O Sherratt.

STORES    Limousin Bulls to £740, Limousin Steers to £942, Limousin Heifers to £1045, Hereford Steers to £520, Hereford Heifers to £455, Friesian Bulls to £210, Aberdeen Angus Steers to £1125, Aberdeen Angus Heifers to £1095, British Blue Heifers to £575, Simmental Heifers to £470, Simmental Steers to £515, Simmental Bulls to £660, Charolais Steers to £375, Charolais Heifers to £470, Norwegian Red Steers to £390, Friesian Bulls to £210.

Top price bull from SW Bishop sold to G & AG Parker.

Top price steer from B Medlam sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

Top price heifer from SC Hawke sold to J Hobson & Son.


Top price from S & M Thackary sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

Simmental Cows to £770, Charolais Cows to £600, Aberdeen Angus Cows to £505.

PRIME CATTLE Overall Avg 236.86p/kg

Top price 20 month Limousin Steer from R Barr sold to B White  Butchers.


Heifers 485kg+

British Blue to 230p

Steers 560kg+

British Blue to 245p

Limousin to 239p

OTM CATTLE Overall Avg 163.31p/kg

Top price from RK Bamforth sold to J Hobson & Son.  

Cows to 180p/kg

Steers to 164p/kg

COWS with Calves at foot to £695. (Avg £695) Top price from GT Harris sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

PRIME LAMBS  Overall Average 271.44p/kg, £118.96/head SQQ Average 275.06p/kg


32.1-39kg to 342.2p (Avg 274.0p)

39.1kg–45.5kg to 332.5p (Avg 275.11p)

45.6kg-52kg to 317.4p (Avg 267.23p)

52kg+ 283.3p (Avg 238.95p)


32.1-39kg to £128 (Avg £102.76)

39.1kg–45.5kg to £140 (Avg £115.91)

45.6kg-52kg to £153 (Avg £129.30)

52kg+ £153 (Avg £130.02) 

Top price lambs 342.2p/kg from Brook Farm Windley sold to Yorkshire Halal Meats Ltd . 

Top price lambs £153/head from C Buckley and J Trueman & Partners sold to Haighs Farm Shop .

EWES to £191 (Avg £69.96) Top price from S & A Taylor sold to Lancashire Direct Meats Ltd.

TUPS to £168 (Avg £88.67) Top Price from Flash House Farms Ltd sold to Yorkshire Halal Meats Ltd. 

STORE LAMBS to £109 (Avg £84.04) Top price from CJ Stone sold to BW Rusby.


TEXEL to £97.50



BREEDING SHEARLINGS to £82. Top price from D Smith sold to Lea & Son.

Forward:: Forward 865 Head of Stock comprising of 70 Cattle including 2 Calves, 56 Stores, 4 Prime Cattle, 3 OTM’s, 1 Cows with 1 calf at foot, 3 Store Cows and 795 Sheep comprising of 583 Prime Lambs, 136 Ewes, 6 Tups, 66 Store Lambs, 4 Breeding Shearlings.