Market Reports


Sale Report - Tuesday 18th October 2022

Forward 1022 Head of Stock comprising of 65 Cattle including 25 Calves, 36 Stores, 1 Prime Cattle, 1 OTM, 1 Cow with 1 calf at foot and 957 Sheep comprising of 562 Prime Lambs, 237 Ewes, 2 Tups, 2 Wethers & 154 Store Lambs.

CALVES  Limousin Steers to £290, Aberdeen Angus Bulls to £88, Aberdeen Angus Heifers to £170, British Blues Bulls to £245, British Blue Heifers to £145, Beef Shorthorn Heifers to £100, Beef Shorthorn Bulls to £82, Holstein Bulls to £42, Holstein Heifers to £18.

Top price bull calf from PS & SP Kershaw.

Top price heifer calf from ST Thornton & Sons sold to Sykes Farming Ltd.

Top price steer calf from H & SJ Hallam sold to Sykes Farming Ltd.

STORES   Limousin Bulls to £700, Limousin Steers to £1045, Limousin Heifers to £835, Hereford Steers to £630, Hereford Heifers to £800, Aberdeen Angus Heifers to £505, British Blue Steers to £870, British Blue Heifers to £1290, Simmental Heifers to £755, Simmental Steers to £805, Saler Steers to £780, Saler Heifers to £470.

Top price bull from W Helliwell.

Top price steer from DA Roberts sold to G & R Booth.

Top price heifer from BW Rusby sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

PRIME CATTLE Overall Avg 200p/kg.

p/kg – Top price, 200p/kg from BW Rusby sold to Lea & Son.

Steers 560kg+

British Blue to 200p/kg

OTM CATTLE to 201p/kg (Avg 201p/kg) Top price from Cockburns sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.  

COWS with Calves at foot 27 month Hereford with 6 month Hereford heifer calf at foot to £990 from GV Simpson.

PRIME LAMBS  Overall Average 259.54p/kg, £115.50/head SQQ Average 260.96p/kg


25.5-32kg to 211.30p (Avg 211.30p)

32.1-39kg to 300.00p (Avg 243.02p)

39.1kg–45.5kg to 322.40p (Avg 264.40p)

45.6kg-52kg to 319.20p (Avg 255.77p)

52kg+ 311.70p (Avg 279.33p)


25.5-32kg to £65.50 (Avg £65.50)

32.1-39kg to £117.00 (Avg £89.17)

39.1kg–45.5kg to £134.00 (Avg £110.88)

45.6kg-52kg to £166.00 (Avg £123.61)

52kg+ £178.00 (Avg £155.12)  

Top price lambs 322.40p/kg from DJ Halliday sold to Lancashire Direct Meats Ltd. 

Top price lambs £178/head from T Craddock sold to Haighs Farm Shop.

EWES to £147 (Avg £62.52) Top price sold to Lancashire Direct Meats Ltd.

TUPS to £110 (Avg £110) Top price from A Marland & J Thornton sold to Yorkshire Halal Meats Ltd. 

WETHERS to £112 (Avg £112) Top price from J Osborne sold to Yorkshire Halal Meats Ltd. 

STORE LAMBS to £117 (Avg £58.55) Top price from J Thornton sold to Lea & Son.

TEXEL to £117

SUFFOLK to £99







Forward:: Forward 1022 Head of Stock comprising of 65 Cattle including 25 Calves, 36 Stores, 1 Prime Cattle, 1 OTM, 1 Cow with 1 calf at foot and 957 Sheep comprising of 562 Prime Lambs, 237 Ewes, 2 Tups, 2 Wethers & 154 Store Lambs.