Market Reports


Sale Report - Tuesday 23rd August 2022

CALVES Holstein Friesian Bulls to £20, Limousin Bulls to £175, Limousin Heifers to £135, British Blue Bulls to £180, Welsh Black Bulls to £60.

Top price Bull calf from NP & DJ Darwin sold to J Bailey & Son.

Top price Heifer calf from JR Hallam sold to Sykes Farming Ltd.

STORES Limousin Bulls to £390, Limousin Steers to £1325,  Limousin Heifers to £1300,  Hereford Heifers to £700,  Aberdeen Angus Steers to £1300,  British Blue Steers to £880, British Blue Heifers to £870.

Top price Bull from J Bradshaw & Co. sold to J & R Smith.

Top price Steer from GH & VD Wood & Son sold to J Hobson & Son.

Top price Heifer from R Hinchliffe sold to P Mullaney & Son.

PRIME CATTLE Overall Avg 236.88p/kg.+-

p/kg – Top price, 242p/kg  British Blue from R Barr sold to KS Luck.

Heifers 485kg+ to 242p/kg (Avg 236.38p/kg)

OTM CATTLE to 209p/kg (Avg 194.31p/kg). Top price 41 mth Limousin from GH & VD Wood & Son sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.  

COWS with Calves at foot  Hereford cow with  Saler calf £1370 from J Clifford sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

Cow in Calf to £880 Limousin in calf to Bazadaise from G Ellis sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

PRIME LAMBS  Overall Average 255.30p/kg, £108.03/head SQQ Average 255.06p/kg


25.5-32kg to 209.4p (Avg 209.4p)

32.1-39kg to 278.9p (Avg 234.5p)

39.1kg–45.5kg to 322.6p (Avg 260.62p)

45.6kg-52kg to 300.0p (Avg 265.14p)

52kg+ 266.1p (Avg 246.93p)


25.5-32kg to £67 (Avg £67)

32.1-39kg to £99 (Avg £87.71)

39.1kg–45.5kg to £140 (Avg £109.41)

45.6kg-52kg to £150 (Avg £128.25)

52kg+ £149 (Avg £140.58). 

Top price lambs 322.6p/kg from A Schofield sold to L Broster. 

Top price lambs £150/head from M & A Wood sold to Haighs Farm Shop.

PRIME HOGGS  Overall Average 148.4p/kg, £95/head. SQQ Average 146.03p/kg


52kg+ 148.4p (Avg 146.03p)


52kg+ £95 (Avg £88)

Top price Hoggs 148.4p/kg from M Fearn sold to W Mullin . 

Top price Hoggs £95/head from M Fearn sold to W Mullin .

EWES to £185 (Avg £80.03). Top price from T Fernihough sold to Yorkshire Halal Meats Suppliers.

TUPS to £114 (Avg £101.67). Top price from RP & M Emmott & Sons sold to Lancashire Direct Meats Suppliers. 

STORE LAMBS to £93 (Avg £73.82). Top price from Thorp & Kaye sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

STORE HOGGS to £49 (Avg £49.) Top price Texel from T & JM White sold to Yorkshire Halal Meats Suppliers.

EWES with Lambs at Foot to £180 (Avg £160). Top price for Texel Ewes and Lambs from KS Harper sold to M Danforth.

BREEDING EWES  to £72 (Avg £72). Top price for Mules from Sykes Farming sold to M Fearn.

GOATS  from Osborn & Partners

1 Billy to £87 (Avg £87) sold to Lancashire Direct Meat Ltd.

4 Wethers to £60 (Avg £60) sold to Yorkshire Halal Meats Suppliers.

2 Billys to £52 (Avg £52) sold to Lancashire Direct Meat Ltd.


Forward:: Forward 1105 Head of Stock comprising of 38 Cattle including 10 Calves, 18 Stores, 4 Prime Cattle, 3 OTM’s, 1 Cow with 1 calf at foot, 1 In Calf Cow and 1067 Sheep comprising of 540 Prime Lambs, 3 Prime Hoggs, 257 Ewes, 3 Tups, 236 Store Lambs, 7 Goats, 1 Store Hogg and 2 Ewes with 3 lambs at foot, 14 Breeding Ewes.