Market Reports


Sale Report - Tuesday 7th November 2023

Forward 594 Head of Stock comprising of 37 Cattle including 9 Calves, 22 Stores, 4 OTM, 1 Cow with 1 calf at foot and 557 Sheep comprising of 276 Prime Lambs, 79 Ewes, 3 Tups, 195 Store Lambs, 2 Ewes Lambs, 2 Ram Lambs.

CALVES  Limousin Steers to £350, Aberdeen Angus Bulls to £375, Aberdeen Angus Steers to £355, Aberdeen Angus Heifers to £245, British Blue Bulls to £410, British Blue Steers to £420.

Top price bull calf from EE & C Hawke sold to JB Eastwood & Sons.

Top price heifer calf from ST Thornton & Sons sold to BJ Shaw.

Top price steer calf from RA & CA Cowgill & Son sold to Lea & Son.

STORES   Limousin Steers to £1570, Hereford Steers to £1350, Hereford Heifers to £670, British  Blue Steers to £1640, Charolais Steers to £1245, Charolais Heifers to £1155, Holstein Steers to £500.

Top price steer from SC Hawke sold to J Hobson & Son.

Top price heifer from RJ Hanstock sold to J Hobson & Son.

OTM CATTLE to 151p/kg (Avg 102.88p/kg) Top price from TM & G Simpson sold to M Bretton.

COWS with Calves at foot to £720 (Avg £720) Top price from JA Darwin & Sons sold to G Hopkinson.

PRIME LAMBS  Overall Average 297.08p/kg, £134.22/head SQQ Average 289.67p/kg


25.5-32kg to 303.2p (Avg 303.17p)

32.1-39kg to 324.7p (Avg 297.2p)

39.1kg–45.5kg to 326.2p (Avg 288.21p)

45.6kg-52kg to 468p (Avg 300p)

52kg+ 373.6p (Avg 336.28p)


25.5-32kg to £95.50 (Avg £95.50)

32.1-39kg to £125 (Avg £112.65)

39.1kg–45.5kg to £146 (Avg £124.65)

45.6kg-52kg to £241 (Avg £144.49)

52kg+ £205.5 (Avg £187.88)  

Top price lambs 468p/kg from T Craddock & Son.

Top price lambs £241/head from T Craddock & Son.

EWES to £158 (Avg £81.39) Top price from MI Mosley & Co LP sold to Lancashire Direct Halal Meats Ltd.

TUPS to £112 (Avg £112) Top price from B Brewster sold to Shans Group Ltd.

STORE LAMBS to £129 (Avg £85.75) Top price from S & A Taylor sold to Shans Group Ltd.

TEXEL to £129


SWALE to £50

BREEDING RAM LAMBS to £400 (Avg £392.50) Top price from T Craddock & Son.

TEXEL to £400

BREEDING GIMMER LAMBS to £250 (Avg £250) Top price from T Craddock & Son.

TEXEL to £250

Forward:: Forward 594 Head of Stock comprising of 37 Cattle including 9 Calves, 22 Stores, 4 OTM, 1 Cow with 1 calf at foot and 557 Sheep comprising of 276 Prime Lambs, 79 Ewes, 3 Tups, 195 Store Lambs, 2 Ewes Lambs, 2 Ram Lambs.